While almost every household today boasts of a microwave, most of us rarely put this versatile machine to its full potential. While it’s more than capable of heating up dinner, brewing hot beverages and making a delicious plate of Maggi in two minutes; with a little bit of ingenuity and some culinary inspiration, you can use the microwave for some quick and easy culinary shortcuts.Here are some easy and may we say delicious microwave hacks to get you started:

Here are some easy and may we say delicious microwave hacks to get you started: 

Potato Chips

Frying thinly sliced potatoes gives them more fat than taste. Instead, brush those slices with olive oil and spread out on a plate. Microwave for 3 minutes, then flip and microwave for another few minutes till they turn golden brown.

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What’s more, chips that have lost their crunch can be placed on paper towels in microwave. The paper will absorb the moisture and restore the lost crunch. After all, that’s what you eat potato chips for!

Peeling onion & garlic without weeping

Once make you weep twice. Once when you buy them (way overpriced) and then when you start peeling them. But the microwave makes at least the peeling part a lot more pleasurable. Just trim off the onion ends and heat them in the microwave at full power for about 30 seconds. Enjoy chop them like a champ without shedding a single drop of tear.

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You can do this exact same trick with garlic as well. Heat this feisty herb full power for 15 seconds and you’re done.

Juice out lemons

Whenever you make lemonade, no matter how hard you squeeze, some lemons just refuse to give in. In order to make the squeezing process a lot easier just pop the lemons in a microwave for 10-20 seconds and easily squeeze them to the very last drop.

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Un-soaked beans

There is no dearth of recipes that require beans or lentils to be soaked overnight. And there is no dearth of people who forget to do so. No worries! Just place the beans in a bowl with a pinch of bicarbonate of soda and fully submerge them in water. Microwave at full heat for 10 minutes and then let it stand for 30-40 minutes. Your overnight soaked beans are ready.

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There are many more wonders this little thing can do, but for the time being, let’s stick with these. Try these simple solutions to make your life a little easier. Life has enough difficulties already, don’t let cooking be one of them.

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